Friday, July 24, 2009

So here's the short of it,
Another Herceptin Treatment today went well.

And here's the long

My oncology nurse, Lori, is on vacation this week (at the beach with her family) so I missed her, but the other nurses are just delightful. The Herceptin doesn't take so long, so my appointment on these weeks isn't until 3:30. There aren't many people in the infusion room when I arrive, and most of them are gone by the time I'm done. It's only taking about an hour now to do only the Herceptin. It's hard for me to imagine that I'll be doing this every week until next July!

Alan took me for my treatment today, but since my Mom and my sister-in-law Pat were already at Erlanger (they had been waiting with Dad before he went for another surgical procedure) they joined us for most of the treatment. Mom was so exhausted that she sat in one of the big chairs and had a little nap!

My blood counts are just OK today, not good. The white blood count is still under the lower limit, but I'm off house arrest, I just have to be careful. On the side effect note, I'm starting to develop 2 mouth sores. Several of my "cancer sisters" who are further along the treatment pathway than I am warned me that mouth sores could be a part of this. So far they are not so bad, so let's hope... Another side effect that is a bit unexpected - I think my smell is different. Now I'm sure it could be that my smeller is different; after all my taster is definitely out of whack. But no matter which it is, I think I have a different body smell - it's a bit bizarre, like is this really still me?

I am so grateful that Pat has been here this week. She's really helped Mom in so many ways, and even though I wouldn't have been able to be at the hospital anyway, it's been such a relief to know that she's been there with Mom.

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