Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Good Day.

So here's the short of it,
I've had a really good day!

And here's the long

I've felt really good again today. What a gift to wake up with enough energy to think about actually doing something! I went to a late breakfast with my dear friend, Moggie . . . and then we ventured over to Barnes and Nobles to look for kids books. It was fun; we both found more books than we should have, and I found a book for children that ended up being a great book for me! It's called Tear Soup. It's a book about grieving and I just loved it - I guess I'm in the middle of making Tear Soup for several reasons, and I guess, yes, it takes a little longer than I thought it might.

This afternoon I got to see my great niece Madison Claire. Her Mom and Dad wanted to stop and see Papa (my Dad) on their way home from Florida via Atlanta. Since Madison couldn't go to the hospital, she stayed with MaMa (my Mom) and I went down and visited as well. I also had a short visit with Madison's Mom and Dad, my niece Lauren and her husband Ryan. It was such a nice visit.

I'm looking forward to having several more good days! I may actually plan to do some small thing around the house!


  1. You are in my prayers. We (lead teachers) want to do something for you, but we don't know what you need. Help us out and give us some suggestions. We love you and miss you.

  2. Hi Lynn, hope you keep having more and more good days. Milko and I are leaving for Croatia July 17th. It will be hard to be away from you all this year more than ever. I will go to the internet cafe there and email you all and keep up with your blog. It was so great to get those hugs from you in Chatty. MWA!
