Tuesday, July 21, 2009

So here's the short of it,
I have had a good day with more energy than I've had since my last treatment.

And here's the long

My symptoms are managed! Now, that doesn't mean gone, but it means that I'm managing enough that I've had a really good day. This morning, I walked around the circle three times. I'll have to admit that every time around I got slower, and that by the time I got around the third time, I wondered if I'd make it up the front steps, but I did it. I intend to do that again tomorrow!

I also felt good enough to putter around the house a little. Now, one more time do not think I did any major housework - mmmm.....how long since I've done that!! But I did feel good enough to push a broom and a dust cloth around a little.

My Dad had surgery on his pressure sore today. Look at Emily and Gene's Blog for an update on how that's all going. Mom's sister Joyce came down to spend the evening with Mom and they came by for dinner. I had a notion that I might like pizza, something I haven't had for a very long time. So I ordered in and it actually had a bit of taste. Maybe by the beginning of next week, food will start to taste good again for a few days before my next treatment.

One thing that some chemo patients have apparently retained a taste for is the the Sonic slushie. I got a strawberry one the other day - and it was way too sweet - so I put it in my retro vita-mix along with 3X the sonic ice and an equal amount of orange juice to cut the sweetness and then I froze it in small portions. Now it tastes pretty OK, and I've been enjoying that a bit at a time throughout the day today.

I'm looking forward to increased strength and stamina over the next week and a half, and I'm so looking forward to hearing that my blood counts are back up when I go in for my Herceptin on Friday.

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