Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tomato Tree

So here's the short of it,
Another good day, but tired!

And here's the long

Another day of not doing much. I'm not feeling any side effects with any intensity, but I'm tired. I know that inactivity leads to tiredness, and I'm sure some of my lack of stamina is coming from the long time when I just didn't feel like doing anything. But what I did do today was stay in the house all day long. Now that the sun is down, I'll go outside and water my tomato tree! My Dad and Mom made me two of those topsy turvy tomato planters, and my dear husband, Alan, erected a 4x4 and put planter hooks to hold them - so it really looks a bit like a tomato tree! Dad reminded me just the other day that they take a whole lot of watering. It looks like I'll have a few ripe ones coming in next week. I'll give those away unless Alan and Liga want to eat them, because I won't be able to taste them, but I'm hoping there'll be a few ripe ones when my taster comes back! Several people who have been on this chemotherapy journey before me, have told me not to eat things that I really like while my taster is off, because they'll be "ruined".

Oh, another interesting thing to report on is our lovely Lola (the cat). From the get-go she has been Alan's cat and when he's not around she prefers the kids. I've always been her last resort - even though I'm the one who feeds her, takes care of her litter box, and all the other stuff.. well in the last month or so, she has decided that she needs to help take care of me. Sometimes she'll check on me when I'm napping and curl up behind my legs and nap with me. I'm sure part of it is that she misses her friend Suni. But, I'm thinking that maybe she knows I need some companionship as well!

Tomorrow we'll have visitors for Dad - aunts and a cousin from Harlan, Kentucky. It's good for Dad and I'll be glad to have an opportunity to visit.

1 comment:

  1. HIya Lynn,
    I'm trying to keep up with you but my own treatment has fatigued me. By no means is it what you are feeling but it gets me down. I am developing what look like old age spots; just since treatment started. My mom subscribed to CURE, thought she didn't have cancer so now I get it. goto www.curetoday.com/subscribe if you are interested; its free. I have enjoyed reading it.
    So the battle is on and we will win.
