Thursday, July 9, 2009

So here's the short of it,
My next big treatment is tomorrow.

And here's the long

Well tomorrow I have another "big chemo treatment" - the triple dose of Taxotere, Carboplatin, and Herceptin. I've had a great week, culminating in a very busy and good day today. I've been out of the house almost all day long, and am just arriving home at a little before ten. I have that sweet weariness that comes from being engaged and busy in the world (instead of that awful tiredness that comes from inactivity and sickness).

I had a good visit with Dad today. He's such an inspiration to me - he has such a good spirit; he's patient; and he is working so diligently at the tasks that are presented for him to work on. I am trying to have that attitude about the things that will be on my plate! I'll stay away from him after tomorrow as my blood counts will start going down and I won't really know when they will reach the point that I shouldn't be in a hospital. That's very frustrating for me.

I have to say that I'm somewhat anxious about the treatment tomorrow... actually it's not the treatment. Last time, I did just fine on the day of the treatment and the next day...I'm just trying to steel myself for the next days coming. As my sister-in-law reminded me, I've got some more tools in my arsenal, and I know what to expect and how to tackle it at the first sign, so I think I can manage better with this round. I've also heard several people say that the rounds get easier as time goes by. That's sure hopeful.

Prayers of all varieties are solicited and accepted.

1 comment:

  1. We are lifting you up to God for healing. good spitits, and patients that only he can give us!!
    Our prayers are with you constantly...Steve & Pat
