Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wanting to feel better

So here's the short of it,
I'm eager to feel better!

And here's the long

Today - maybe could be described as on the cusp of something better. I've been really lazy. It's still hard to look at words or try to do any work except in my head. I still found that I really don't want to be too far from the house, and I have a yucky queasiness that's just at the edge of my consciousness. But on the whole I'm much improved! I can't wait for those days that I remember feeling lots better!

I'm hungry, and starting to want things to eat - but I know better! I know they will absolutely NOT taste like the food I am craving, and I'll be sorry. So I'm not eating any of the things I want - it's a really weird feeling.

I have a Herceptin treatment tomorrow afternoon. I should tolerate it quite well. So far I've noticed mainly a very drippy nose and fatigue as the side effects. It doesn't require me to screw up my courage quite as much either! I'll get a reading on my blood counts when I go in for my treatment. I'm going to ask about whether or not there's anything I can take that will make it safer for me to be out and about when my counts are down.

My Mom and Dad's sweet little dog Mollie's health is rapidly fading. She is at the vet's office overnight for some evaluation. She is such a great little dog and has been such a wonderful pet for them. I'm very sad.

Today I am particularly grateful for Donna's chicken soup/stew recipe...

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