Monday, March 15, 2010

More about Patience

So here's the short of it,
I suppose I still have lots to learn about patience. 

And here's the long

Well, today has been one of those days.  I have been "called to the bathroom" in the middle of things all day.  First of all, I couldn't get out of the house, then when I did it was a difficult day just from that perspective!  I actually had two different meetings (with parents in them) that I had to get up and leave! I'm beyond being embarrassed about it, but I'm annoyed.

Tomorrow I have a really early day!  I know I'll be able to get going, but the idea of leaving the house at 6:30 in the morning after the time change is a bit unsettling.  I have such a hard time going to sleep at night, so I'm not ready to get up in the mornings!  I'll manage though. 

I remember one of my cancer sisters who was about two years out from her treatments telling me that she never did get her bowel control back to any predictable place.  She would laugh about it and say something like "that's OK, I'm still here."  It may be that it's just another of those lessons to teach me some patience.  Many, many years ago when my niece Lauren was just a little thing she was quite insistent about something.  Her Dad, my brother Steve, told her, "Honey, you have to learn patience."  She said to him, "But Daddy, I don't know patience."  I have often repeated that story to folks.  I think it resonates with me because I'm not that well acquainted with patience either.  I think one of the huge life lessons I am taking from this whole illness, is my need to become more intimately acquainted with Patience.   

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