Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Exhausted and getting ready for Chemo

So here's the short of it,
I was exhausted after work today.

And here's the long

I came home from work today and made it no further than the back sofa. (I come in the house through the back door). I guess I slept for 2 1/2 hours. I'll be eager to hear more about my blood counts tomorrow. I'm wondering if my low platelet counts could be what's making me so tired. Or maybe it's just because I'm not really sleeping well at night.

Anyway, dear friends brought dinner by, so I haven't had to exert myself at all! I made it outside to let Sophie have her evening social time. She is growing and becoming much less timid from her opportunities to socialize with neighbor dogs, people, and of course her time outside playing with Lola (our cat). They are really beginning to come to a living arrangement. Lola is sure to let Sophie know who is in charge when she gets a little out of hand.

I had an opportunity to see Dad today. He looks like he is doing better. His pressure is down to 8 and his supplemental oxygen is at 30. Dr. Brice, the surgeon who takes care of his pressure wound, told Mom today that getting him of the ventilator remains the most pressing medical problem he has. Getting him off the ventilator will positively impact all his other medical issues.

My 4th big Chemotherapy treatment is tomorrow afternoon. I see the doctor and have lab work and then have my infusions. It is taking much less time now that they can see that I'm not having any horrible reactions at the time of the infusion. I should be OK tomorrow night. Well, if it's like the times before, I will probably have alternating hot flashes and chills, and my taste will be absolutely gone, but I'll be generally OK. After that I'm going to just live in the moment and not have any great expectations for how good or bad things will be.

I may sound ambivalent, but I am extremely grateful to live in a time when chemotherapy is available and I can have it to help defeat this cancer.

1 comment:

  1. you are a very strong person...being back @ work. Don't let the stress get to you. Sorry to hear you are not sleeping; neither am I. medicine
    but enough of me. Glad the last round of chemo is soon to be over.
    REmember if you need ANYTHING call me. max
