Wednesday, August 19, 2009

So here's the short of it,
My white blood counts are up to the bottom of the normal range.
My platelets are low.

And here's the long

My blood work was liberating. My white counts are up enough to let me live a fairly normal life for a week before my next chemo treatment. However, my platelet count continues to be low. My last chemo treatment had a reduction in Carboplatin because my platelet count is on a downward trend. I'll be interested to see if there's another reduction, or if it will be just continue monitoring. Apparently there's not much I can do about it. Now I know why every little skin break I get bleeds more than usual and is not healing like I used to.

This evening Mom, Russ, Steve, Alan, and I had a very good meeting with my Dad's doctor and part of his care team. I felt like we had a good and very useful conversation for everyone concerned.

I worked a half day today. Then this evening we had the meeting with Dad's doctor and then we took Mom out to dinner for an early birthday celebration. I'm tired and planning to work tomorrow if I can make it all day. I have an early appointment and intend to work all day if I can make it. We'll see.

Tomorrow Aunt Frances and Aunt Joyce are coming for a visit. And then on Friday we are expecting Aunt Mary and Lynda.

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