Friday, August 14, 2009

On the upturn

So here's the short of it,
I must be on the upturn of my treatment cycle.

And here's the long

I worked almost a full day today and got lots done. Even though I have stayed away from school buildings, there's lots I can get done through e-mail and phone calls. I've also been able to start getting "put away" somewhat because of being bound to the office. It is great that William delivered the file cabinet and bookcases yesterday.

Several posts ago I talked about the really bad burn I got on my finger. It had really not been healing very well at all. I forgot to ask them to take a look at it when I went in to the doctor, but I had an idea. When I asked what to do about the nose sores I'm starting to get, Lori told me to just use the M.D. Anderson mouthwash on them. I don't remember exactly what they told me was in it, but it has to be mixed at the pharmacy, then kept in the refrigerator and thrown away after 30 days. Anyway, I am developing sores on my head, so I put MD Anderson mouthwash on them, and they quit hurting. So yesterday I started putting MD Anderson mouthwash on my burns and they've healed more in a day and a half than in all the time before. -- I know, I know, maybe it's just that time and it would have been that way even without, but I think now I know why on the cancer discussion boards you keep hearing the discussions about "magic mouthwash" from M.D. Anderson!

Tonight Alan and I, with Mom and Aunt Joyce, went to Elmcroft where Mommy Anne has now moved and ate dinner with her. Pennie and Myra are here this week to help her get settled in. Her apartment is cozy and very nice. The food seems to be pretty good, but I'll have to really report on that when my taster comes back.

Mom and Aunt Joyce have been to Kindred three times today to see Dad. He is exhausted from having another debridement procedure. When they went back down after dinner tonight, she called and asked if Alan would come down to see what he thought about how Dad is doing. His pressure and oxygen are back up to keep him comfortable. Alan remembers him being this tired after the other procedures. I am hoping for good news on my counts on Wednesday so I can spend some time with him. Steve and Pat will be coming in tomorrow night and will have a chance to visit with him.

Sophie report. When I came home from work today, Sophie had piled up 5 of her toys right in front of the pet door. I just had to laugh. I couldn't figure out if she was thinking about taking them outside, or if she had actually done so and was bringing them back in after a play time. When I showed it to Alan, he asked her if she was "coming or going".

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