Saturday, August 29, 2009

Very Weak Today

So here's the short of it,
My symptoms have not been horrific today, but I'm very weak.

And here's the long

My symptoms have been bearable today, but I have been so weak! Just a slow walk to the kitchen and I feel like I've run a marathon. My heart races, I break out in a sweat, and I get light headed. I've spent most of the day on the sofa once again, napping off and on.

I'm having more nausea than I have before, but the medicine is keeping it calm. I suspect that the medicine is part of the reason I've been so sleepy as well.

I'm hoping to feel stronger tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Lynn, you are such an inspiration to all of us!! I continuosly lift you up to our Heavenly Father and Jesus!!! May God surround you with strength,and healing in the days ahead!! I admire you more than you will ever know.........Love, Pat
