Thursday, August 6, 2009

Side Effects

So here's the short of it,
So it seems that the side effects are not quite so harsh this time.

And here's the long

Well, this hasn't been a picnic by any means, but my side effects are not quite so harsh this time. I've been able to manage the nausea and diarrhea with the variety of prescription and over the counter meds, but the chemo drugs and the medications are keeping me very sleepy. So today has been mostly one nap after the other.

I haven't wanted to eat much of anything and this time around, even water tastes awful! I'm awake enough this evening to know I need to work on hydration. We had a mid-morning visit from Shelley and Max, and I felt well enough to get a couple of snuggles.

I keep reminding myself that I'm halfway through these treatments! It's really giving me strength and courage to know that I can make it the rest of the way.

I missed attending opening in-service today. At one point I found myself wanting to just get dressed and drive out to participate. Of course the wave of nausea that accompanied my sitting up, quickly convinced me that I was being pretty silly. I knew all along that staying home was really the only decision I could reasonably make. I'm hoping I'll be able to work next week.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Lynn, I know you know this, but school work & everything else comes into play after your health! Take care of yourself first and ask God for guidance, healing and comfort and know we are praying for your healing & strength!! We love you, Pat
