Monday, August 17, 2009

Sleep and Work

So here's the short of it,
I had such a restless night last night that I didn't work a full day as I had planned.

And here's the long

I had intended to work a full day today, but last night sleep was elusive, and when it did come, it was only in very short spurts - so this morning I was really exhausted. I stayed in my pajamas and puttered around the house and then worked in the afternoon. By the time I got home this afternoon I was very tired. I'm going to ask if there's something I should be doing to increase my stamina or if I just have to wait it out.

Mom came by to visit from the hospital and we had dinner and talked about how she found Dad today. After dinner, Mom went on back to the hospital to be with Dad for a while longer tonight. She is feeling like she wants to spend some nights with him in the coming weeks. When he first moved to Kindred she spent the nights with him until she was satisfied that he would get the attention he needed during the nights. I think she wants to revisit that. I am eager to get my blood counts on Wednesday and am optimistic that they will be high enough that I will have a week when I will be able to visit Dad.

Mommy Anne called me today to tell me what a wonderful place Elmcroft is and how lucky she is that her children found it for her. She told me again how beautiful her bedspread and drapes are, how cozy her apartment is, and how much she loves her chair.

I'm intending to work a full day tomorrow... I know that whole story about which road you are on if it's lined with good intentions... but right now, I plan on working a full day!

Tonight, I'm grateful that even though I'm planning on working a full day tomorrow, if I wake up and can't, I have the flexibility to have a sick day or 1/2 day. I've heard several stories about people who didn't have the option to miss work or who lost jobs because they had to miss work. I've made every effort to save as many sick days as possible over the years and I am so fortunate that the district has made such an effort to mesh the sick leave policy with the Family and Medical Leave Act. I think I should have plenty of paid time to get me through the Chemo and Radiation part of the treatment. And I'm laboring under the impression that once I'm doing Herceptin only, I won't have the debilitating side effects, so I won't need to miss much work. And I'm so tired right now that I can't imagine that I'll have difficulty sleeping tonight!

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